You Can Have Beautiful Healthy Teeth For Life

Focus Your Smile on Tooth Hazard Warning Signs

  To keep your smile safe from dental damage that can arise, it is always a good idea to analyze your life, and any unhealthy habits that are you're involved in to assess any tooth hazard risks that may be present. The risk of tooth hazards can damage and cause oral accidents or injuries to your teeth and gums, which... read more »

Dealing With Common Oral Injuries in Sports

On the playing field, an athlete seeks victory. To win, they will work their hardest, run their fastest, and hit with vigor. This vigor is usually a good thing, but sometimes it can lead to oral injury. Because mouth injuries from sports are so commonly treated at Wong Dental, we wanted to review some common injuries to help you be... read more »

Inlays and Onlays: The Benefits

If you are suffering from tooth decay, you probably know that there are a few things you may be able to do. For instance, you probably understand that you can have a cavity filled. You may also understand that you might need a dental crown if you have more severe decay. However, have you ever thought about the benefits of... read more »

What Mouthwash Can Do for your Oral Health

As you may know, some very popular foods could lead to problems with your breath. For that reason—along with a few others—many people tend to use breath mints and chewing gum to freshen their breath. While these are useful options, they only mask bad breath without addressing the root of the problem. In other words, if you're interested in improving... read more »