You Can Have Beautiful Healthy Teeth For Life

Laser Dentistry Is Precision Dentistry

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Did you know that as of the early 1990s, lasers have been magnificently implemented and used in a variety of dental services? Not only are lasers highly effective at making extremely precise treatments, they are widely effective in a broad display of dental procedures to ensure maximum success for your smile.

Laser dentistry is precision dentistry. Listed below are some of the common services of laser dentistry:

– Cavities: When dental fillings are wanted, lasers can be used to clear the decay around cavities and prepare a tooth for a filling.

– Teeth Whitening Treatments: Teeth whitening gels in professional whiteners can be activated with a light source such as a laser.

– Root Canal Therapy: When root canals are wanted to save teeth, lasers are often implemented to clear away excess bacteria and tissue to ensure the area is clean for the root canal therapy to be successful.

– Cancer Biopsies: For oral cancer biopsies, lasers can be used to remove a small amount of tissue from a person’s cheek.

– Oral Ailments: Lasers can accurately eliminate painful lesions and sores from inside a person’s mouth.

Depending on your age, oral health, and tooth strength, our dentist at Wong Dental can help you find which laser dentistry treatment will work best for you. Dr. Lin Wong and our team would love to see you at our dental office in Covina, California. To schedule an appointment, please call us at 626-709-3332. We will be glad to help you achieve the results you are looking for.