You Can Have Beautiful Healthy Teeth For Life

Oral Health Recaps: Mouthwash

Did you know that mouthwash comes with several benefits beyond just freshening your breath? It's true, and although many individuals use mouthwash to help freshen your breath, there are many other potential benefits that it can have. In some situations, mouthwash may include teeth whitening treatment systems to help remove stains and discolorations. It can also be useful for improving... read more »

What Are the Benefits of Dentistry While Pregnant?

Did you know that your oral health can change if you are pregnant? Although your teeth and gums may often be seen as of trivial consequence during a pregnancy, the truth is your oral health care is still highly important for the health of you and your baby. If left untreated, your oral health can lead to numerous health risks.... read more »

General Information about Tooth Extractions

A tooth extraction can be a grim process as losing a tooth is never easy to handle, especially psychologically. Fortunately, with the advent of dental implants, bridges, and dentures, there are tooth replacements which can be used that are natural-looking, safe, and fully functional to restore your smile. However, the recovery process after a tooth extraction depends on a few... read more »

What Symptoms Can Jaw Pain Cause?

Identifying the symptoms of jaw pain can be difficult because of the many ways jaw pain can occur. However, if jaw pain continues to be an issue and the pain does not easily go away, it may be the sign of a deeper issue. Here are a few facts about jaw and facial pain: - Common indicators of jaw and... read more »

Important Dental Issues for Teens

The need to care for your teeth as a teen cannot be overstated. During your teen years, the last of your permanent teeth grow in. Once your adult teeth are in place, they need daily care to remain strong throughout your lifetime. Although teeth do weaken over time, your adult teeth can withstand a lifetime of wear and tear. One... read more »

Dealing With Common Oral Injuries in Sports

On the playing field, an athlete seeks victory. To win, they will work their hardest, run their fastest, and hit with vigor. This vigor is usually a good thing, but sometimes it can lead to oral injury. Because mouth injuries from sports are so commonly treated at Wong Dental, we wanted to review some common injuries to help you be... read more »

Laser Dentistry Is Precision Dentistry

Did you know that as of the early 1990s, lasers have been magnificently implemented and used in a variety of dental services? Not only are lasers highly effective at making extremely precise treatments, they are widely effective in a broad display of dental procedures to ensure maximum success for your smile. Laser dentistry is precision dentistry. Listed below are some... read more »

Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth-Healthy Diets

If you are looking to improve your oral health, why not start at the cause of most oral health problems? Many oral health ailments are caused by the foods we eat. This includes tooth enamel loss or physical damage in the form of tooth fracture. Exercise caution with your diet and your dietary habits. Listed below are some frequently asked... read more »

Dental Veneers Can Turn Your Smile into a Masterpiece

If your smile could use a major overhaul, a truly epic smile makeover can be done with dental veneers. Dental veneers are a finely tuned dental restoration treatment that uses specialized materials to bond thin layers to the fronts of teeth for any desired look and shape. With dental veneers, you can conceal any imperfection your teeth may have and... read more »